The Children's Enrichment Committee is always looking for new ways to bring in revenue. The more money we have, the more we're able to brighten the lives of Orange County children in foster care.
One method we're exploring is gift wrapping holiday presents. We have decades worth of experience. We've been giving holiday gifts since our founder, Anna Delano Hitch, first started collecting mittens for area orphans. But now our plan is to wrap other people's gifts with the hope that they'll donate money to us as a way of saying thank you.
Our next meeting is on Monday, November 13, 2:00 PM, at Middletown Thrall Library. If you have any spare gift wrap paper or pretty bows, please bring them to the meeting. For that matter, if you know someone interested in culling their own gift wrap and bows, bring them to the meeting as well. Gift wrap and visitors are gladly welcomed.
And when you're not assembling your gift wrap, remember to vote on November 7 and to honor veterans on November 11.
Then be sure to join us, gift wrap and all, on November 13!